Here is a selection of projects I have worked on so far.
Watch this space as I learn and grow!
Reading Challenge

A full-stack app to keep track of user progress in various reading challenges.
Created as part of the 2022 Dev Week Hackathon.
Deployed on Github Pages
Mobile-first | Python | Django(DRF) | JavaScript | ReactJS | ReactStrap | CSS | Bootstrap | Figma | PostgreSQL

A smart grocery shopping assistant that sorts items according to the aisle they are in.
A solo project, created from scratch.
Currently in development
Mobile-first | Python | Django(DRF) | JavaScript | ReactJS | CSS | Figma | PostgreSQL
Portfolio Website

Updated personal portfolio, integrating creative graphic design elements
Deployed on Github Pages
Mobile-first | HTML | CSS

An AI shopping assistant for luxury items.
Built as my final group project for SheCodes Plus
Deployed on Heroku
Mobile-first | Python | Django(DRF) | JavaScript | ReactJS | CSS | PostgreSQL

A crowdfunding web application that allows users to discover projects in their community and pledge donations.
Deployed on Heroku
Python | Django (DRF) | JavaScript | ReactJS | CSS | PostgreSQL
Social News Website

A fully functioning News/Blogging Website
Deployed on Heroku
HTML | CSS | Python | Django | PostgreSQL
Logic Peripherals Australia

Design and development of a sales and stock management web application with integrated e-commerce platform
Deployed locally
HTML | CSS | PHP | JavaScript | jQuery | MySQL
First portfolio project

My very first portfolio website, where I honed my CSS skills
Deployed on Github Pages
Responsive form

Design and development of a fully responsive contact form
Deployed on Github Pages
Mobile-first | HTML | CSS